Alt-Tab replacement with application preview

Alt-Tab replacement with application previewIf you have lots of programs open at the same time you will like this tool. Standard Alt-Tab window shows only application icon. When you have multiple windows of the same application open, it can be hard to find correct one. Microsoft PowerToy Task Switch can replace standard Alt-Tab view with one that not only shows application icon, but also preview (screenshot) of an application window.

Here is how you install this great tool.

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How to disable error reporting when applications crash

Error reportOne of Windows XP features is error reporting when application or system crashes. It offers to send error report to Microsoft. You might want to disable this feature if you don’t want to have information about your system sent to Microsoft, or if your computer is not connected to the Internet. You can disable this feature, or you can limit it to Windows operating system errors or only to specific programs you choose.

Here is how you do it.

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How to defragment a hard disk in Windows

Hard DriveWhile you are using your computer, files on your hard disk are becoming more and more fragmented. This happens because while saving files, system is trying to fill empty spaces. One file can bi split up in many parts around your hard drive. This slows down file access, system is starting up slower and everything becomes more sluggish.

Solution is to run disk defragmentation program.

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How to speed up slow network browsing in Windows

NetworkThere is a bug in MS Windows that can slow up network browsing. It can take up to 30 seconds to browse remote computer. Reason of this delay is that Windows is scanning remote computer for Scheduled tasks.

There is a simple registry tweak to fix this problem.

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How to access Control Panel in Windows

Control PanelControl Panel applet in Windows operating system allows user to change system settings, software and hardware settings, adding and removing software, changing users permisions, and many more.

This article explains how to access it.

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How to start Registry Editor in Windows

RegistryThe Registry is a system database where Windows operating system and other software keep their settings. Registry Editor is a program that edits that database.

This is how you start it.

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How to enable ClearType in Windows XP

FontClearType is Microsoft technology that improves font display on color LCDs. It does that by using RGB subpixels to antialias font edges.

It is simple to enable in Windows XP

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How to make Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) with few clicks

bsod.jpgYou can make blue screen of death with few clicks. You might want to do this as a prank :-), or you need to save memory dump, or test your application if you are a developer. Microsoft included simple way to do this, you only need to enable it first.

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How to backup part of the registry

RegistryBy changing the setting in registry you can change many features of Windows, or any other software. It is a good idea to backup part of the registry where you plan to make changes.

This is how you do it.

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