More and more programs are running on Windows startup. Some of them do not even offer option “do not start with windows”. By using “System Configuration Utility” which is part of Windows operating system, you can disable programs that you do not want to startup.
1. Click on “Start” then select “Run”
2. Type “msconfig” (without quotes) and click “OK”. “System Configuration Utility” will start
3. Select “Startup” tab on the right site. Here, you will see the list of all startup programs with their location.

4. Uncheck all programs that you do not want to start with Windows. Be careful with items that you are not familiar with.
5. Click “OK”
6. You will be offered to restart your computer
7. Next time system starts, system will notify you that “You have used the System Configuration utility to make changes to the way Windows starts…”. If you want, you can turn off this notification.